We are sponsoring leaders who are willing to attract and sponsor other leaders to make the ELITE DIAMOND TEAM the fastest growing team in the Diamond Banners company. This will assure faster cycling and advancement in DIAMOND BANNERS by focusing on our leaders. Everyone comes in as Silver for only $49.99 and will be placed in the ELITE Diamond Team Matrix ONLY. When four people can fill the bottom of the Matrix assuring the one on top advances and gets paid. No one will be personally sponsored, just TEAM SPONSORED.

This is a SPECIAL INVITE to new people who have associates who will join with them and other Diamond Banner members who have already proven their abilities.

You can participate 

You can realize real ELITE DIAMOND TEAM benefits,
for a LOW LOW startup!

Imagine being able to join for only $49.95,
and ultimately leverage your place in
The Elite Diamond Team!...

+ The Team



The Elite Diamond Team, is your solution to LOW cost membership in a group that has created a true ...

Elite Team Build!

Contact Us NOW And Let Us Help You Get Paid TODAY!