The Real American Dream /mobile_site/the-real-american-dream.html We all have dreams. Some of us want to spend more time with our friends and families, others want to do more with their free time, drive nicer cars or live in fancier homes. The Real American Dream More time with your family fmg411 Freedom Marketing Group residule income home based business Part time income No Credit check supplemental income Cell phones voip service wireless internet card no credit check no contract cell phones Team Vulcan FMG the real american dream glenn finley executive director f m g we all have dreams some of us want to spend more time with our friends and families, others want to do more with their free time, drive nicer cars or live in fancier homes we all want a boss who cares about our well-being, a vacation on a long-forgotten tropical island and relief from our monthly bills, expenses and overflowing debt and to achieve these dreams, all we have to do is work harder and longer hours in doing so, our companies will take notice, pay us more money and everything will work out, right -wrong it s a myth the truth is, things are not going to go our way unless we make a change a change in the way we approach our jobs and, more importantly, the way we approach our lives until we take control, we re destined to live by someone else s rules, conditions and limitations what kind of change how can we revamp our financial priorities enough to secure the things we want in our life without starting over completely well, we could hit it big in the stock market capitalism at it s finest or is it legalized gambling maybe a shift into a different field is more sure-footed and could help increase your earning potential all it would take is additional schooling, and every year millions of people choose higher education as a means to improve their lives while it s an admirable and noble pursuit, it doesn t come cheap nor does it guarantee a better job and remember, you re trying to squeeze more hours out of your day, not fewer, so where are you going to find the time to take a class at night, meaning you d be seeing even less of thefamily you don t see enough already a solution to your dilemna feeling hopeless don t worry, there is a solution to your dilemma the same dilemma shared by millions just like you who are looking for alternatives to the roads their lives have taken it s an opportunity that has generated more than $100 billion worldwide ever thought of opening your own business statistics suggest you are like 96 percent of adults between the ages of 24 and 44 who have looked into starting their own business in fact, 74 percent of the millionaires in america own their own businesses 20 percent of those millionaires did it with a concept called network marketing and direct sales join our opportunity request more information