Freedom 5 /freedom-5.html Refer and maintain a minimum of 5 wireless customers to Freedom Wireless and your bill is absolutely FREE each and every month! Freedom 5 Business People Cell Phone Bill Contact Freedom F.M.G fmg411 Freedom Marketing Group 411 residule income bonuses home based business home based busines opportunity raterace Part time income No Credit check free cellular service for Life money supplemental income unlimited levels MLN Myfi Team Vulcan Marketing Group Opportunity Test Drive Time Fee Vouchers. freedom 5 the freedom 5 preferred customer program join the freedom preferred customer program for a one time fee of only $199 99 and a monthly membership fee of *$19 95 per month d omatic tracking and ma r benefits get paid $100 00 when you switch your service to freedom wireless powered by sprint in your 1st 7 days get paid up to $5 00 per month on your own wireless bill refer and maintain a minimum of 5 wireless customers to freedom wireless and your bill is absolutely free each and every month get up to 3 free lines per preferred customer ex refer 15 customers and you get 3 free lines, 3 of those lines can come out your own home for every preferred customer that you bring to freedom marketing group we will pay you from $100 00 to $275 00 no limit if you are a current sprint customer you can take advantage of this program whether you are in a contract or not here s how you can maintain your current sprint cell phone number and your current wireless device without worrying about a termination fee no problem simply download the form below and fill it out signed and fax it back to this number 1-888-673-8143 transfer of liability form you can now become a preferred customer and begin taking advantage of this awesome program join our opportunity request more information